B3: Birth, Babies & Biotech
The B3 module is hands-on heavy with experiences and content unique to KIMSeattle. Students each deliver a baby using high-fidelity medical training human simulators and then provide emergent neonatal care to the infant. The program is based on a fictitious IVF scenario where post-delivery, students perform DNA gel electrophoresis to determine parentage and discuss potential bioethical implications.
The goals of this module are to: 1) provide a hands-on delivery and neonatal care experience with related DNA laboratory work, 2) expose students to a breadth of careers related to reproduction, labor and delivery, genetics and bioethics, and 3) inspire an appreciation for how new technology can be applied to medical education to directly improve patient care.
We are very grateful to Gossman Advanced Healthcare Simulation, who provide the high-fidelity mother and infant simulators, infant warmers, and expert staff in partnership with KIMSeattle for this program.
Neonatal Care
Gel Electrophoresis
STEM careers
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Celebrating STEM fields through multifaceted programs that are lively and fun, while maintaining content-rich scientific integrity.