Drug Heist
The Drug Heist module is an engaging introduction to forensic science. This program is based on a fictitious theft where students are immersed in a crime scene fraught with sloppy police work and a suspicious cast of suspects. Sifting through interviews, surveillance clips, and evidence based on lab work – students collaborate to “solve” the crime.
The goals of this module are to: 1) introduce the basics of forensic science, 2) provide a breadth of related laboratory experiences, and 3) expose students to career options that are readily accessible.
This module is offered as a four-hour field trip to our laboratory, or can be done as outreach in a classroom. The program is geared toward middle school students or early high school (9th grade).
DNA Gel Electrophoresis
STEM careers

Discover KIMSeattle
Celebrating STEM fields through multifaceted programs that are lively and fun, while maintaining content-rich scientific integrity.