Forensic Anthropology
KIMSeattle’s Forensic Anthropology module weaves historical events with science for an interdisciplinary approach to solving forensic mysteries. Merging physical anthropology (osteology and skeletal interpretation) with archaeology, this program demonstrates how history and hard science are combined to identify and interpret skeletal remains. Beyond gaining laboratory experience in human bone analysis and facial reconstruction, students are inspired to learn more about Kennewick Man, The Romanov Family, and King Richard III.
Goals of this module are to: 1) introduce basic forensic anthropological principles, 2) provide the laboratory experiences of bone analysis (stature, gender and ancestry), and facial reconstruction, and 3) expose students to the many sub-specialties in forensic anthropology.
This module is offered as a four-hour field trip to our laboratory, or can be done as outreach in a classroom. The program is geared toward middle and high school age students.
Ancestry Determination
Gender Identification
Stature Analysis
Facial Reconstruction
STEM careers

Discover KIMSeattle
Celebrating STEM fields through multifaceted programs that are lively and fun, while maintaining content-rich scientific integrity.